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MBR Properties

Properties of Methyl Bromide

Alternative name : monobromomethane
  • Odour : Nil at low concentrations; strong musty or sickly sweet at high concentrations
  • Chemical formula : CH3Br
  • Boiling point : 3.6°C (38.5°F)
  • Freezing point : -93°C
  • Molecular weight : 94.95
  • Specific gravity gas (air=1) : 3.27 at 0°C
  • Liquid (water at 4°C=1) : 1.732 at 0°C
  • Latent heat of vaporization : 61.52 cal/g
  • Flammability limits in air : Nonflammable (see next page)
  • Solubility in water : 1.34 g/100 ml at 25°C
  • Pertinent chemical properties : Powerful solvent of organic materials, especially natural rubber. When pure, noncorrosive to metals. Liquid reacts with aluminium (see text)
  • Method of evolution as fumigant : From steel cylinders under natural or added pressure. Also dispensed from 1 lb cans or 20 ml glass ampoules
  • Commercial purity : 99.4%